Spruce, Alberta
A slow growing dwarf (4"/year). It does best in full sun, but will tolerate a half day shade.
Deer resistant.
Spruce, Baby Blue Eye
Best color of the blue spruce. Needs full sun. Grows 8"-10"/year. Deer resistant.
Spruce, Colorado Blue
Blue/Green Spruce grows 18"/year in full sun.
Spruce, Fat Albert
It needs full sun for it's best color. It grows in a broad pyramidal shape. It grows 10"/year.
Spruce, Globosa
Slow growing (4"/year) globe shaped blue spruce. Full sun for best color. Available in either low or high graft.
Spruce, Norway
Deep green conifer. Grows 2'/year. Full sun to partial shade. Deer resistant.
A beautiful small tree that flowers in summer with 2" white flowers and a yellow center. Slightly exfoliating bark, full sun to partial shade.